How is ObamaCare (Affordable Care Act) Affecting InCareRX?
My first reaction was that Obamacare was going to negatively affect the use of my prescription discount cards, but the opposite has occurred.
For InCareRXwe are seeing and will continue to see a significant increase in the demand for the cards as a result of ObamaCare – InCareRXis realizing tremendous growth, overall we just seem to be hearing folks paying higher premiums while receiving reduced benefits. This is increasing the demand for InCareRX.
Medicare Recipients on Part D – InCareRX Increased Demand: There is an increase in the list of Excluded Drugs not covered by insurance. Co-Pays on Generics have been increased such that we see a lot more cases where it’s less expensive to use InCareRX on certain generics than their Insurance Co-Pay. Many seniors calling in have left their HMO and opted for a stand alone PART D with a deductible, and our card is in demand. We also see more folks electing to have no Part D plan at all, and just pay cash for the few prescriptions they take each month or year. We also have a lot of Part D recipients choosing to use InCareRX for their generics and their Insurance for Brands in order to delay or prevent the highly medicated from entering into the Donut Hole. Those with beloved Pets that get scripts, and uninsured adult children are also calling frequently.
Group Insurance, those Insured through their Employer -- InCareRX Increased Demand: This year has had a tremendous increase in demand for cards as Employers have either terminated insurance coverage for their employees, or have opted to reduce their expenses by offering their employees a reduced and less expensive plan with higher deductibles, higher co-pays, or basically eliminating their RX Coverage. We are getting a large amount of these calls at the help desk and also reported to us by the reps. Many are doing well distributing their cards to larger companies for their employees. We are also filled with calls from those who lost employment and calling for prices to determine if it’s worth it for them to pay for Cobra – many indicate our card has almost the same prices or less than what they paid while insured (for generics).
Individual Health Coverage -- InCareRX Increased Demand: We have many calls and reports of those who have either had to drop their Individual Health plans, or lower their premiums by reducing their benefits into a more affordable High Deductible plan, and are now using InCareRX to reduce their out of pocket expense on the prescription side.
Medicaid/Medical Recipients -- InCareRX Increased Demand: Not sure what is happening here, but we are getting an increased number of calls from those who are either being prescribed more medications that are excluded, or they are fully eligible in that they have a shared cost to meet each month before their benefits kick in, and they have to pay full price. InCAreRXis saving them.
Uninsured --InCareRX Increased Demand: This class is on the increase – every day we get calls from folks stating they are no longer insured, and of course that is just adding to the large amount of uninsured we already have.
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