Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Is This Really a Business?

Imagine sitting at home in your (loungewear, t-shirt or worse) and going out to the mailbox once a month to retrieve a good sized check.  Considering the state of the economy and the limited opportunities available, I feel very fortunate to have found this dependable and steady source of income to supplement my retirement.  This is my reality, just like many others who have discovered and taken advantage of this great deal.  Many agents are making this a really good full time business.
Let me explain.  I go around – many times on my way to someplace else – and distribute FREE prescription discount cards to doctor’s offices, urgent care clinics, etc. for them to give out to their patients; mainly the ones without insurance, and seniors on Medicare reaching the donut hole in their drug coverage.  Every time a card is used to fill a prescription for a drug or medication I get $1.20.  Doesn’t sound like much to you?  Well, multiply that by the thousands of cards I distribute and it really adds up fast.  
The cost of the cards is nominal and they are high quality laminated.  The IncareRX network I work with is the best around.  I say this because we have the largest network of member pharmacies, we cover the most drugs and medications, and have the deepest discounts.  We are the only cards in the industry that are HIPAA compliant.  This is a huge deal in the medical field today.  HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.  It protects the patient’s rights and privacy of their medical records.  No patient information is ever sold, shared, or used for marketing purposes.
You can learn all about this ridiculously easy business opportunity at my website (not necessary to have a website to be successful at this ; most people don’t) InCareRXGo to the website and browse around, then click on the Become an Agent tab on the bottom of the home page.  It’s FREE to join and the welcome emails you will receive will explain the business model in more detail.  If you have questions you can email me or call my office at 314 487-5729.  It’s really really easy folks.  You can even print your own card from the website and start using it today.  The discounts range from 14% to 92% depending on the drug  (generics get the biggest discount of course).
Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful meaningful day
All the best to you, Paul
                                  email pgw.swiss@gmail.com                            InCareRX.com

                                      Office 314 487-5729                                   Mobile 314 620-1926

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Why MY RX Discount Card Instead of Others

Happy Humpday Folks.  Just want to let you know why my RX discount card is far superior to the few others being distributed.   They just don't compare for the following reasons:

  • We cover the most medications and drugs
  • We have the deepest discounts
  • We have twice the utilization rate
  • We have the largest network of member pharmacies
  • We don't do mail order drugs like other cards, so the pharmacies love us for not competing with them
  • We are the only card that is HIPAA compliant; this is a HUGE deal in the medical field today (HIPAA is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)  It protects your medical records and rights under the law
  • We don't charge exorbitant fees to pharmacies, so they are happy to do business with us
Some more general reasons to use our card:
  • We are obviously by far the best in the industry
  • Patient information is never collected, shared, or sold for solicitation & marketing
  • No co-pays or deductibles
  • No pre-existing condition restrictions
  • One card covers the entire family
  • Card never expires
You can get your card right now on my website at www.InCareRX.com click on Savings Card at the top, then click on Start Saving tab in center of blue panel.  You can print this page and cut out the card, then present it to your pharmacist.  Make sure where it says Patient's # that they enter your phone number.

Or if you like you can email me at pgw.swiss@gmail.com, provide your name and address, and I will be happy to snail mail you an official card.


                                 InCareRX.com                                 pgw.swiss@gmail.com

                             Office 314 487-5729                                 InCareRX.com